OCT 2023

Chicago’s top venue for a daylong team building event!

Welcome to Fox in a Box Chicago, where we transform the conventional into the extraordinary.

Imagine a marathon of minds, where your team engages in a series of escape room challenges, each designed to tap into the collective wit and foster team spirit. 

As Chicago's premier escape room destination, we're proud to offer an experience that goes beyond the norm in corporate team building activities. 

In this blog post, we'll guide you through planning a daylong team building marathon that's not just fun but also a catalyst for building stronger team connections and creating those lasting memories.

Why Choose Fox in a Box for Your Team Building?

Our consistently high ratings and glowing testimonials speak volumes about the exceptional team building experiences we deliver. 

Our escape room games, themed around thrilling scenarios ranging from breaking out of a maximum-security prison to escaping a vicious serial killer, are meticulously designed to challenge and engage teams in diverse and thrilling ways. 

Understanding the needs of businesses, we offer the flexibility to accommodate large groups across our various rooms, ensuring a seamless integration into your team's schedule. 

As you take part, you’ll find that it's no wonder that escape rooms are GREAT for team building, providing a dynamic environment where groups can unlock their potential and discover the power of working together.

Our Team Building Packages

Our team building event packages.

At Fox in a Box Chicago, we understand that each business and team has unique needs when it comes to team building. 

That's why we offer a diverse array of packages designed to cater to various group sizes, objectives, and preferences. 

From the focused intensity of our "Just Rooms" package to the comprehensive experience of "Food, Drinks & Rooms" and the insightful "Retreats with a Psychologist," our offerings are tailored to ensure that every team finds the perfect fit. 

As we delve into the details of our packages, you'll see why we're known for providing some of Chicago’s best team building activities.

Just Rooms

For teams seeking the quintessential escape room experience, our "Just Rooms" package is the essence of pure, unadulterated puzzle-solving fun. 

It's an opportunity to dive into the heart of what makes team building effective: collaboration, communication, and the collective rush of cracking codes under pressure. 

By focusing exclusively on the escape room challenges, teams can harness and observe their problem-solving dynamics in a thrilling, time-sensitive environment, laying the groundwork for enhanced performance in the workplace.

Food, Drinks & Rooms

Elevating the escape room experience, our "Food, Drinks & Rooms" package marries the thrill of the game with the pleasure of culinary delights. 

We've partnered with esteemed local restaurants to provide an assortment of appetizers and beverages, ensuring that your team's senses are indulged both intellectually and gastronomically. It may even inspire you to choose a name for your team to add to the event.

This added layer not only satiates the appetite but also serves as a catalyst for informal interactions and camaraderie that are essential to fostering strong workplace relationships.

Team building retreat with a psychologist

Our "Retreats with a Psychologist" package offers a deep dive into the intricacies of team dynamics guided by a professional organizational psychologist. 

This experience is designed to unravel the layers of group interaction, providing insights that go beyond the surface-level engagement of typical team-building exercises. 

Engaging with a psychologist not only enriches the experience but also equips your team with actionable strategies to enhance collaboration and efficiency back in the corporate environment.

For more insight, you should visit our team building page. 

We will now guide you through the essential steps of the team building marathon itself, from pre-event preparation to in-event strategies, and finally, gathering post-event feedback and insights for lasting impact.

Pre-Marathon Preparation

Preparing prior to the team building marathon!

The success of a team-building marathon at Fox in a Box Chicago begins long before the actual day of the event. 

Effective preparation sets the stage for a seamless experience, ensuring that every participant is aligned with the event's objectives and fully engaged from the start. 

This involves selecting the right package that resonates with your team's size and goals, scheduling the event to accommodate all participants, and building anticipation that fosters team spirit. 

It also includes assigning roles that leverage individual strengths and setting clear goals to guide your team's efforts.

In the following sections, we will delve into the specifics of preparing for your team-building marathon, providing a roadmap to ensure that your event is not only enjoyable but also a catalyst for stronger team dynamics and collaboration.

Choosing the Right Package

Choosing the right package for your team building event at Fox in a Box Chicago hinges on understanding your team's unique composition and objectives. 

Our 'Just Rooms' package caters perfectly to groups looking to dive straight into the escape room experience, while 'Food, Drinks & Rooms' adds a social element with local cuisine, fostering informal interactions alongside the games. 

For teams seeking to delve deeper into their dynamics, our 'Retreats' package with a professional organizational psychologist can facilitate a transformative experience, aligning your team's efforts with overarching corporate goals.

Booking and Scheduling

To secure your team's spot for the best indoor team building in Chicago, begin by selecting a date and time that aligns with your group's availability, ensuring everyone can partake in the experience. 

Booking early not only guarantees your preferred time slots but also provides ample preparation time to tailor the event to your team's needs, setting the stage for a successful team-building marathon.

Building Anticipation

Announcing your upcoming team-building event can be as engaging as the event itself; consider a themed invitation that mirrors the escape room's storyline to spark curiosity and conversation among your team. 

Initiating pre-event challenges or puzzles via email or in team meetings not only builds anticipation but also jumpstarts the collaborative energy essential for a successful escape room experience.

Assigning Roles and Responsibilities

In planning a team-building marathon, assigning leadership and supportive roles is crucial to harness the full spectrum of talents within your team. 

By evaluating the effective team personality and individual strengths, you can delegate responsibilities that align with each member's capabilities, fostering a sense of ownership and contribution. 

This strategic role distribution not only enhances the group's dynamic but also maximizes the potential for a successful and rewarding escape room experience.

Setting Goals and Expectations

Setting clear, achievable goals is the cornerstone of a successful team-building marathon, ensuring every participant understands the purpose and what is expected of them.

It's important to balance ambition with realism, setting objectives that challenge the team while remaining attainable within the event's framework. 

Post-event (and we will later discuss post-event feedback), success should be measured not just by escape room outcomes but by the enhanced communication and camaraderie evidenced in the workplace, reflecting the true value of the experience.

During the Marathon

Strategies to make the best of the team building event.

During a team building marathon at Fox in a Box, the emphasis is on harnessing collective strengths, clear communication, effective time management, and adaptability to challenges - core competencies that are as crucial in an escape room as they are in the corporate world. 

These skills are the bedrock of high-functioning teams, fostering an environment where collaboration thrives and individual talents are leveraged for the common goal. 

Preparation for such an event involves strategic planning and an understanding of each team member's unique contributions, ensuring that every aspect of the marathon is approached with a unified strategy.

In the upcoming sections, we delve into the nuances of preparing your team for success during the event, offering insights on how to navigate the intricacies of each challenge with precision and composure. 

By focusing on these areas, we aim to equip your team with the tools to not only escape the room but also to excel in the competitive landscape of Chicago's business world.

Strategies for Effective Teamwork

To cultivate a spirit of cooperation within the walls of our escape rooms, we recommend establishing clear roles based on each member's strengths, ensuring a balanced approach to problem-solving. 

It's crucial to divide tasks strategically, allowing for simultaneous progress in multiple areas of the game, which mirrors the multifaceted challenges encountered in the workplace. 

Encourage every team member to voice their insights; the diversity of thought can unravel the most intricate puzzles, much like in business scenarios. 

Above all, keep the team morale high through positive reinforcement and celebrate each small victory, as these moments build a cohesive and resilient team.

Communication Techniques

We suggest using direct, actionable language and confirmatory responses to ensure messages are received and understood, a technique that proves invaluable under time constraints. 

To sidestep common communication pitfalls, avoid over-talking and ensure that each team member has the opportunity to contribute, fostering an inclusive atmosphere where every voice is heard. 

By mirroring these practices, teams can enhance their day-to-day interactions, leading to improved collaboration and productivity in the corporate world.

Time Management

Mastering time management within each escape room scenario is a microcosm of meeting business deadlines; it's an essential skill we emphasize for all participating teams. 

We guide groups to designate a timekeeper, someone who can gently nudge the team forward, ensuring that progress is steady without overlooking crucial details.

Implementing periodic check-ins can be an effective strategy, allowing the team to recalibrate and refocus if certain puzzles consume too much time. 

This balanced pace ensures that teams remain methodical and thorough, mirroring the precision required in a professional setting to meet objectives without haste.

Adapting to Challenges

When confronted with the unexpected twists inherent to our escape room marathons, the ability to adapt swiftly is paramount. 

We advise teams to maintain a flexible mindset, ready to pivot strategies and redistribute tasks as new puzzles emerge, ensuring that setbacks transform into learning opportunities and stepping stones to success.

Post-Marathon Reflection

How to get feedback post-event!

In the aftermath of an escape room marathon, the true value lies in the reflective process that follows, where the experiences within the game's confines translate into tangible team-building outcomes. 

Understanding why team building matters for your company is crucial; it's about more than just the immediate thrill - it's an investment in your team's collaborative future. 

This section delves into the significance of debriefing the day's events, celebrating every triumph, applying newfound strategies to the workplace, and planning ahead for continued team development. 

Through structured reflection and recognition, we lay the groundwork for not just a momentary victory but a sustained enhancement of team dynamics.

Here at Fox in a Box, we guide you through these critical steps, ensuring that the lessons learned and the camaraderie built are not left behind in the escape room but are carried forward to empower your team's everyday synergy.

Debriefing the Experience

A thorough debriefing session is a critical step in our team building marathon, providing a moment to reflect on the team's dynamics and performance collectively. 

It's an excellent opportunity to identify the strategies that led to success and the areas ripe for improvement, ensuring every team member gains valuable insights.

Within this reflective practice, we discuss the highlights of the experience, pinpoint the hurdles, and explore how these lessons can enhance workplace collaboration and efficiency, much like how escape rooms boost team productivity

This debrief is not just a conclusion to the day's activities but a bridge to better team performance in your professional environment, turning today's team effort into tomorrow's team success.

Celebrating Successes

Recognizing each team's accomplishments is a cornerstone of our philosophy, whether it's the triumphant resolution of a challenge or the valiant effort put forth. 

We encourage celebrations that range from immediate post-escape room festivities to formal acknowledgments back in the workplace, fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation.

Applying Lessons to the Workplace

At Fox in a Box, we believe the collaborative and problem-solving skills honed during our escape room challenges are directly transferable to the workplace. 

By applying the same level of teamwork and communication to work projects, teams can enhance their efficiency and overcome obstacles with greater ease. 

Understanding why high-performing teams excel can further inspire the integration of these new strategies into your daily workflow, fostering a more cohesive and productive environment.

Planning for Future Team Building

The insights gleaned from an escape room marathon at Fox in a Box can be a powerful catalyst for future team-building initiatives. 

We encourage business leaders to harness this momentum by setting a calendar for regular team-building activities, which can be pivotal in sustaining team dynamics and continuous improvement. 

Establishing a routine for such engagements not only keeps teams aligned but also serves as an opportunity to re-energize your team when morale ebbs. 

By committing to ongoing development, companies in Chicago can foster a culture of collaboration and resilience, essential for navigating the complexities of today’s business landscape.

Ready for a team building marathon at Fox in a Box Chicago?

Are you ready for an effective team building marathon in Chicago?

An escape room marathon at Fox in a Box Chicago offers a unique blend of critical thinking, collaboration, and exhilarating fun, making it an ideal choice for corporate team-building events. 

We invite business owners, HR representatives, and event planners to connect with us to tailor an unforgettable experience that meets your company's specific objectives. 

To start planning your next team-building session, contact us and let's unlock your team's potential together.


Chicago’s top venue for a daylong team building event!

Welcome to Fox in a Box Chicago, where we transform the conventional into the extraordinary.

Imagine a marathon of minds, where your team engages in a series of escape room challenges, each designed to tap into the collective wit and foster team spirit. 

As Chicago's premier escape room destination, we're proud to offer an experience that goes beyond the norm in corporate team building activities. 

In this blog post, we'll guide you through planning a daylong team building marathon that's not just fun but also a catalyst for building stronger team connections and creating those lasting memories.

Why Choose Fox in a Box for Your Team Building?

Our consistently high ratings and glowing testimonials speak volumes about the exceptional team building experiences we deliver. 

Our escape room games, themed around thrilling scenarios ranging from breaking out of a maximum-security prison to escaping a vicious serial killer, are meticulously designed to challenge and engage teams in diverse and thrilling ways. 

Understanding the needs of businesses, we offer the flexibility to accommodate large groups across our various rooms, ensuring a seamless integration into your team's schedule. 

As you take part, you’ll find that it's no wonder that escape rooms are GREAT for team building, providing a dynamic environment where groups can unlock their potential and discover the power of working together.

Our Team Building Packages

Our team building event packages.

At Fox in a Box Chicago, we understand that each business and team has unique needs when it comes to team building. 

That's why we offer a diverse array of packages designed to cater to various group sizes, objectives, and preferences. 

From the focused intensity of our "Just Rooms" package to the comprehensive experience of "Food, Drinks & Rooms" and the insightful "Retreats with a Psychologist," our offerings are tailored to ensure that every team finds the perfect fit. 

As we delve into the details of our packages, you'll see why we're known for providing some of Chicago’s best team building activities.

Just Rooms

For teams seeking the quintessential escape room experience, our "Just Rooms" package is the essence of pure, unadulterated puzzle-solving fun. 

It's an opportunity to dive into the heart of what makes team building effective: collaboration, communication, and the collective rush of cracking codes under pressure. 

By focusing exclusively on the escape room challenges, teams can harness and observe their problem-solving dynamics in a thrilling, time-sensitive environment, laying the groundwork for enhanced performance in the workplace.

Food, Drinks & Rooms

Elevating the escape room experience, our "Food, Drinks & Rooms" package marries the thrill of the game with the pleasure of culinary delights. 

We've partnered with esteemed local restaurants to provide an assortment of appetizers and beverages, ensuring that your team's senses are indulged both intellectually and gastronomically. It may even inspire you to choose a name for your team to add to the event.

This added layer not only satiates the appetite but also serves as a catalyst for informal interactions and camaraderie that are essential to fostering strong workplace relationships.

Team building retreat with a psychologist

Our "Retreats with a Psychologist" package offers a deep dive into the intricacies of team dynamics guided by a professional organizational psychologist. 

This experience is designed to unravel the layers of group interaction, providing insights that go beyond the surface-level engagement of typical team-building exercises. 

Engaging with a psychologist not only enriches the experience but also equips your team with actionable strategies to enhance collaboration and efficiency back in the corporate environment.

For more insight, you should visit our team building page. 

We will now guide you through the essential steps of the team building marathon itself, from pre-event preparation to in-event strategies, and finally, gathering post-event feedback and insights for lasting impact.

Pre-Marathon Preparation

Preparing prior to the team building marathon!

The success of a team-building marathon at Fox in a Box Chicago begins long before the actual day of the event. 

Effective preparation sets the stage for a seamless experience, ensuring that every participant is aligned with the event's objectives and fully engaged from the start. 

This involves selecting the right package that resonates with your team's size and goals, scheduling the event to accommodate all participants, and building anticipation that fosters team spirit. 

It also includes assigning roles that leverage individual strengths and setting clear goals to guide your team's efforts.

In the following sections, we will delve into the specifics of preparing for your team-building marathon, providing a roadmap to ensure that your event is not only enjoyable but also a catalyst for stronger team dynamics and collaboration.

Choosing the Right Package

Choosing the right package for your team building event at Fox in a Box Chicago hinges on understanding your team's unique composition and objectives. 

Our 'Just Rooms' package caters perfectly to groups looking to dive straight into the escape room experience, while 'Food, Drinks & Rooms' adds a social element with local cuisine, fostering informal interactions alongside the games. 

For teams seeking to delve deeper into their dynamics, our 'Retreats' package with a professional organizational psychologist can facilitate a transformative experience, aligning your team's efforts with overarching corporate goals.

Booking and Scheduling

To secure your team's spot for the best indoor team building in Chicago, begin by selecting a date and time that aligns with your group's availability, ensuring everyone can partake in the experience. 

Booking early not only guarantees your preferred time slots but also provides ample preparation time to tailor the event to your team's needs, setting the stage for a successful team-building marathon.

Building Anticipation

Announcing your upcoming team-building event can be as engaging as the event itself; consider a themed invitation that mirrors the escape room's storyline to spark curiosity and conversation among your team. 

Initiating pre-event challenges or puzzles via email or in team meetings not only builds anticipation but also jumpstarts the collaborative energy essential for a successful escape room experience.

Assigning Roles and Responsibilities

In planning a team-building marathon, assigning leadership and supportive roles is crucial to harness the full spectrum of talents within your team. 

By evaluating the effective team personality and individual strengths, you can delegate responsibilities that align with each member's capabilities, fostering a sense of ownership and contribution. 

This strategic role distribution not only enhances the group's dynamic but also maximizes the potential for a successful and rewarding escape room experience.

Setting Goals and Expectations

Setting clear, achievable goals is the cornerstone of a successful team-building marathon, ensuring every participant understands the purpose and what is expected of them.

It's important to balance ambition with realism, setting objectives that challenge the team while remaining attainable within the event's framework. 

Post-event (and we will later discuss post-event feedback), success should be measured not just by escape room outcomes but by the enhanced communication and camaraderie evidenced in the workplace, reflecting the true value of the experience.

During the Marathon

Strategies to make the best of the team building event.

During a team building marathon at Fox in a Box, the emphasis is on harnessing collective strengths, clear communication, effective time management, and adaptability to challenges - core competencies that are as crucial in an escape room as they are in the corporate world. 

These skills are the bedrock of high-functioning teams, fostering an environment where collaboration thrives and individual talents are leveraged for the common goal. 

Preparation for such an event involves strategic planning and an understanding of each team member's unique contributions, ensuring that every aspect of the marathon is approached with a unified strategy.

In the upcoming sections, we delve into the nuances of preparing your team for success during the event, offering insights on how to navigate the intricacies of each challenge with precision and composure. 

By focusing on these areas, we aim to equip your team with the tools to not only escape the room but also to excel in the competitive landscape of Chicago's business world.

Strategies for Effective Teamwork

To cultivate a spirit of cooperation within the walls of our escape rooms, we recommend establishing clear roles based on each member's strengths, ensuring a balanced approach to problem-solving. 

It's crucial to divide tasks strategically, allowing for simultaneous progress in multiple areas of the game, which mirrors the multifaceted challenges encountered in the workplace. 

Encourage every team member to voice their insights; the diversity of thought can unravel the most intricate puzzles, much like in business scenarios. 

Above all, keep the team morale high through positive reinforcement and celebrate each small victory, as these moments build a cohesive and resilient team.

Communication Techniques

We suggest using direct, actionable language and confirmatory responses to ensure messages are received and understood, a technique that proves invaluable under time constraints. 

To sidestep common communication pitfalls, avoid over-talking and ensure that each team member has the opportunity to contribute, fostering an inclusive atmosphere where every voice is heard. 

By mirroring these practices, teams can enhance their day-to-day interactions, leading to improved collaboration and productivity in the corporate world.

Time Management

Mastering time management within each escape room scenario is a microcosm of meeting business deadlines; it's an essential skill we emphasize for all participating teams. 

We guide groups to designate a timekeeper, someone who can gently nudge the team forward, ensuring that progress is steady without overlooking crucial details.

Implementing periodic check-ins can be an effective strategy, allowing the team to recalibrate and refocus if certain puzzles consume too much time. 

This balanced pace ensures that teams remain methodical and thorough, mirroring the precision required in a professional setting to meet objectives without haste.

Adapting to Challenges

When confronted with the unexpected twists inherent to our escape room marathons, the ability to adapt swiftly is paramount. 

We advise teams to maintain a flexible mindset, ready to pivot strategies and redistribute tasks as new puzzles emerge, ensuring that setbacks transform into learning opportunities and stepping stones to success.

Post-Marathon Reflection

How to get feedback post-event!

In the aftermath of an escape room marathon, the true value lies in the reflective process that follows, where the experiences within the game's confines translate into tangible team-building outcomes. 

Understanding why team building matters for your company is crucial; it's about more than just the immediate thrill - it's an investment in your team's collaborative future. 

This section delves into the significance of debriefing the day's events, celebrating every triumph, applying newfound strategies to the workplace, and planning ahead for continued team development. 

Through structured reflection and recognition, we lay the groundwork for not just a momentary victory but a sustained enhancement of team dynamics.

Here at Fox in a Box, we guide you through these critical steps, ensuring that the lessons learned and the camaraderie built are not left behind in the escape room but are carried forward to empower your team's everyday synergy.

Debriefing the Experience

A thorough debriefing session is a critical step in our team building marathon, providing a moment to reflect on the team's dynamics and performance collectively. 

It's an excellent opportunity to identify the strategies that led to success and the areas ripe for improvement, ensuring every team member gains valuable insights.

Within this reflective practice, we discuss the highlights of the experience, pinpoint the hurdles, and explore how these lessons can enhance workplace collaboration and efficiency, much like how escape rooms boost team productivity

This debrief is not just a conclusion to the day's activities but a bridge to better team performance in your professional environment, turning today's team effort into tomorrow's team success.

Celebrating Successes

Recognizing each team's accomplishments is a cornerstone of our philosophy, whether it's the triumphant resolution of a challenge or the valiant effort put forth. 

We encourage celebrations that range from immediate post-escape room festivities to formal acknowledgments back in the workplace, fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation.

Applying Lessons to the Workplace

At Fox in a Box, we believe the collaborative and problem-solving skills honed during our escape room challenges are directly transferable to the workplace. 

By applying the same level of teamwork and communication to work projects, teams can enhance their efficiency and overcome obstacles with greater ease. 

Understanding why high-performing teams excel can further inspire the integration of these new strategies into your daily workflow, fostering a more cohesive and productive environment.

Planning for Future Team Building

The insights gleaned from an escape room marathon at Fox in a Box can be a powerful catalyst for future team-building initiatives. 

We encourage business leaders to harness this momentum by setting a calendar for regular team-building activities, which can be pivotal in sustaining team dynamics and continuous improvement. 

Establishing a routine for such engagements not only keeps teams aligned but also serves as an opportunity to re-energize your team when morale ebbs. 

By committing to ongoing development, companies in Chicago can foster a culture of collaboration and resilience, essential for navigating the complexities of today’s business landscape.

Ready for a team building marathon at Fox in a Box Chicago?

Are you ready for an effective team building marathon in Chicago?

An escape room marathon at Fox in a Box Chicago offers a unique blend of critical thinking, collaboration, and exhilarating fun, making it an ideal choice for corporate team-building events. 

We invite business owners, HR representatives, and event planners to connect with us to tailor an unforgettable experience that meets your company's specific objectives. 

To start planning your next team-building session, contact us and let's unlock your team's potential together.